Dating, love, and genuine connections

Looking for love? Get ready to discover profiles, connect, and make memories. What are you waiting for?

24/7 Support

Our live Customer Support team is here for you 24/7 - get in touch for account inquiries, billing & subscriptions, or anything in between.

Discreet Credit Card Statements

If you've upgraded to VIP, you'll see Desdemona on your credit card statement. We're always available to answer any billing & subscription queries.

A Safe & Secure Experience, 18+

We operate a safe and secure platform with human content moderation and strict profile verification, so you can enjoy the site with peace of mind. This Service is for users over 18 years old (21 in USA - AL, MS, NE, WY, and locations where 18 is not the age of majority). No one under this age should use this Service.


Our Services & Subscriptions

Looking to find out more about your account? See below for more information on understanding your charges, membership benefits, and where to find assistance.


Billing & Subscriptions

By upgrading to VIP, you're only charged the outlined fees and can cancel anytime. Contact us anytime for help with your billing.



Enhance Your Experience

If you need assistance activating your VIP status, contact us today for support.

Start Matching


24/7 Support

We're here anytime to help with any query you might have, so you can get the most out of your dating experience.

Get Involved


Create Your Profile

Sign up in minutes to become a member - just let us know about you and what you"re looking for.


Discover Your Match

Our interactive features are built for you to make genuine connections and flourish in the world of online dating!

Your Experience

We proudly supply a wealth of global users to connect and explore relationships through proficient, secure, and professional online dating.

Here For You

Enjoy all VIP perks, cancel anytime, and contact us for assistance with billing.

24/7 Customer Care

Our team is here to help whenever you need any assistance.



How can i pay for a membership?

We welcome you to visit the Membership page at any point to view all membership upgrade options associated with your account on Bennufin's site.

I am trying to pay. Why is my card being declined?

Banks can occasionally hold pending transactions due to regulatory checks, as our platform can be occasionally deemed as 'being of sensitive nature'. If you contact your bank to confirm your payment, you should be able to complete your upgrade.

Why am I being charged?

Although many of Bennufin's sites and services are free to use, there are a number of paid, premium membership upgrades that you can initiate on your account - as you have recently opted-in to one of these premium subscriptions, you have been charged a fee to process this upgrade.

How do I cancel my subscription?

If you decide that you no longer want to proceed with your paid, premium subscription, you are able to navigate to the Membership page of your site at any point, so as to cancel your chosen subscription.

What are the benefits of VIP membership?

As a VIP member you will get a lot more out of the site, including unrestricted message options, access to all media, unlimited photo uploads, private chat in the chatrooms, appearing high in search results and access to enhanced search features.